Archive | March, 2012

Hobart and Hostel Headaches

29 Mar


We arrived last night in Hobart and tried to check into our hostel.
Except that it was after 10 (technically it was 10:05)and they were
locked up for the night. We called and they said, sorry too late, come
back in the morning. What! Fortunately, we were able to walk to a
close hotel that wasn’t too expensive and sleep there. Today when we
came back to the hostel to check in, they weren’t too apologetic, but
did upgrade our room. I’ve never stayed in a hostel before. It’s not
too janky. We have a private room with our own bathroom. I’m not sure
this is the real hostel experience.


Today we walked around the cute little harbor area of Hobart. This is
the largest city in Tasmania (I think) and the capital and it looks
like a little rural town with a main street and old buildings. Some of
the ships in the harbor go back and forth to the Antarctic. The Bob
Barker Sea Shepherd was docked here. It goes out and stops whalers. I
think there is a show on TV about it but I’ve never seen it and can’t
recall what it’s called.


In the afternoon we took a ferry to MONA, the Museum of Old and New
Art or as I like to call it, the Museum of Controversial Bizarre and
Stupid Art. Almost everything there is somewhat gross, think body
fluids and things for simply shock value. Remember the Virgin Mary
painting that was made with elephant poop that was in the news a few
years ago? They have that at MONA. That’s the kind of art they
embrace. I actually liked it in a this-is-sick-and-twisted kind of
way. I don’t need to go there again. It’s pretentious but also in on
the joke. Strange to find such a funky museum way down here.


I’m typing this fabulous post on one of the hostel computers. Free
wifi! I’m taking tons of pictures but since we didn’t bring a laptop,
you’ll have to wait.


ps. I bought some kangaroo jerky today. Then on the back of the
package it says something to the effect of “this kangaroo is road
kill, but we had it inspected by medical doctors and it’s OK to eat.
Enjoy.” GROSS! Andy – I’m sending this to you to try. You’ll eat

Packing and Packages

28 Mar

I picked up  packages from the Post Office this morning. It was like Christmas. One from my dad with the laptop charger I had ordered that the company stupidly sent to my US address, a CD and some $. The other package was from Michelle with peeps, some other Easter candies, fake nails, pictures of Heidi and some other assorted goodies. Thank you!


We are all packed and ready to head out to the airport in a few minutes. I discovered that if we fly on a domestic flight in Australia that there are no liquid restrictions. I don’t have anything too huge, but it’s nice not to worry about it.

And this is all Rob's stuff!
Just kidding, he's of course bringing hardly anything and I have my tiny carry on.

I’m excited about Tasmania. We’re flying into Hobart, at the south end of the island. We’re spending a few days there, then renting a car (watch out!) and driving up the east coast to The Bay of Fires and staying in St. Helens. Then we’re off to Cradle Mountain and spending the night in Launceston. The last night is in Devonport and on Monday we take the Spirit of Tasmania home. We’re only bringing the ipad so I will blog if we have wifi, which so far hasn’t been available much in Melbourne*.

*except for someone in our building who doesn’t have a password. Thanks momo! He’s hardly ever online, but we “borrow” wifi when we can.

A Little Like Home

27 Mar

We went to the Northland Shopping Centre today, which is an actual mall, the first one I’ve been to in Australia. It was huge and mostly similar to US malls except that it had 2 grocery stores in it and was closed at 5:30. But it was a quick bus ride from the La Trobe campus and it’s open later on other nights. We went to the mall to see The Hunger Games movie. I liked it, I loved the books. Rob thought it was “pretty good.” Like most book adaptions I wish it could have included more but then it would be a 17 hour movie. Movies here are really expensive, a Friday or Saturday show is $22 a person. But the major theater chain here has super saver Tuesday and it was only $11 each. That’s much more palatable and we might even see 3 movies this year, gasp!

The Mall

Free Decorating

26 Mar

I made a free decoration today from some shells we collected at the beach yesterday and a jar we saved. It’s not great, but hey, it cost nothing and it’s disposable when we move home.

I know, needs some work

Brighton Beach

25 Mar

We got down to Brighton Beach today. It is adorable. Another place any visitors are getting ushered to. The tide was really low so we were able to do a little tide pooling. Seemed like mostly the same stuff we have in California. Maybe Rob can tell the difference. The one unusual thing was all the shells laying about. Millions of them. Maybe the tide was extraordinarily low, but in Los Angeles every shell is picked clean from the beach.
















The Brighton Bathing Boxes, as the are officially known, are just cute and charming as we hoped they would be. According to the official website, they are owned by the city and have strict guidelines about paint and whatnot.

While we were there we also happened upon the very tail end of the Ironman Asia-Pacific Championship. It was the full deal with the 2.5 mile swim, 111 mile bike ride and then a marathon run. We got to see the lead guy right before the finish line. They were all so fit, no one seemed like they we’re about to keel over, which is what would happen to me if someone even suggested I run 2 miles. We had 2 milkshakes to ward off any exercise we got by walking around on the beach.

Check out those calves

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

24 Mar

It was another gloriously cold day. Rob finished his last paper for school before break and I made a good dent on my book. Then off to the gym and home again. Now we’re playing scrabble and Rob is hoping to finally win a match (hahaha, good luck with that).

Tomorrow we’re going to take the train to Brighton where they have cute little painted beach huts. It’s mostly a photo opportunity for Rob. I’m not sure what else is down there.

Cute, right?

There is Potato in my Dirt

23 Mar

The first time I bought these potatoes I thought they were russet.

It’s really the only fruit or vegetable that is completely caked with dirt. Everything else seems to have the same pre-wash that we have in the US.

Workin’ It

22 Mar

Rob got a job today, hurray! It’s at the Victorian Space Science Education Centre

He’ll be doing some science teaching to school field trips or something. He goes in tomorrow for training. One of his classmates works there and recommended Rob for the job. It’s casual work so he only works when he is available. They are closed during all the school holidays so he still gets all that time off. It pays, what I think, is rather well. Oh, plus they aren’t open on the weekends. Seems like a pretty sweet gig. The only drawback is that it’s not super easy to get to. He has to walk 1.5 miles to the train, go downtown, and take another train back this direction.

I went downtown to meet him when he was done.  We went to Sichuan House again. This time I ordered the deep fried chicken that is served buried in red peppers. It was OK. I felt like it was Chinese KFC. I’d seen people eating this dish before and wanted to try it but I think that was the last time I’ll order it.

While we were downtown we also popped into the fancy magazine shop to see if they finally had the new Wanderlust magazine with Rob’s photo in it. It’s the January issue… it must come by courier pigeon or something, but they finally had it. Rob was very pleased to see his picture and name in it.

Happy Equinox

21 Mar

Today marks the first day of autumn for us down here. I can’t say that I’m sorry to see summer go. I much prefer cold, crisp weather. In fact, even the sky knows it’s now fall. Yesterday the high got up to 79 and today it’s raining and only 65. Isn’t that nice? Good on you, weather. (Good on you = good job).

Look, the forecast is my idea of a nice week, especially Friday.

One Year Ago

20 Mar

Today is the anniversary of Rob’s and my first date. For those of you who haven’t heard the story, it was sort of a disaster. To recap: torrential downpour,  LA marathon traffic, 8 mile walk in the rain, unplanned drive to north north north Malibu. It’s a good thing Rob is so cute that we had a second date. Per my request, we’re ordering pizza for dinner. We already exchanged presents. I gave Rob a box of Timtams (awesome Australian cookies), 2 candy bars and a bag of chips. He gave me the choice of a massage, mani/pedi or fancy dinner out. I haven’t decided what I want, but the option of all 3 was already squashed.